Saturday, November 18, 2006

Nils the Fox sells out

Coca Cola has the fat Swedish guy. Nils the Fox thought he'd be the "face" of Ocean Spray. I don't think they've contacted him yet. See his moving ad:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Did you ever wonder what really happened to your luggage...

... at Ben Gurion Airport when they told you it was delayed inVienna?
Here's the answer.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

There will be no Gay Pride Parade in Jerusalem. Here's why...

Someone said they should all be fat rolling down the street. Perhaps a good point but who's to say a glutton equals a fat person? Discriminating, no? Besides it must be much more difficult for a thin glutton to come out of the closet. It must take a lot of... pride?

What they're really up to at the UN

Ever wondered what kind of stuff they discuss all day in the Security Counsel?